My weekly square posts will take a slightly different turn this week, as it features an instagram collective rather than a single photographer. Owner Alex Martin has successfully turned @Wilderness_Culture into one of instagram’s fastest going (guess work) and inspiring outdoor-themed feeds over the past 12 months.
Learn More about the Wilderness Culture Instagram Collective
Q: What’s your instagram account name, how long have you had the account, and what’s your favourite subject?
A: My account is Wilderness Culture, @wilderness_culture. I started it 12 months ago, in Dec. 2013. My favourite images would have to be rugged or vast landscapes with a small person in the image to give it scale.
Q: What exactly is Wilderness Culture
A: Wilderness Culture is an Instagram-based community brand that evokes a passion for the outdoor lifestyle. It’s a place where people can share their adventures and be inspired by other’s adventures.
Q: How big of role does IG play with Wilderness Culture’s marketing.
A:Wilderness Culture biggest social media platform is instagram. It plays a major role in the marketing strategy. However, it is always very subtle advertising.
Q: What’s the coolest place Wilderness Culture has allowed you to travel? What’s the next dream destination?
A: The coolest trip I’ve done with Wilderness Culture would have to be my trip through Alberta. Among all the amazing things we saw and did, the highlight off the trip would have to be flying over Banff National Park in a Helicopter with the doors off. The conditions that morning were perfect, and watching the sunrise from 10,000 feet above Banff is something I’ll never forget.
My dream destination is Norway.
Q: Who are 5 of your favourite igers?
A: Johannes Becker, Taylor Burk, Josh Hydeman, Callum Snape, Jeff Bartlett, Alex Strohl, Chris Burkard, Shane Black, and Andy Best are some of the photographers who inspire me. Its hard to narrow it down.
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